Tuesday, April 12, 2016

...................The Zimers

Thon D. Nontas is a potential writer at Oxward univ. press. Say that he previously worked at Nomannews and has been published in the bloger's blogs, . A graduate of Thai univ., so far he was editor of Oxward campus news sites.Test your Facebook Integration Now that you've got the SDK setup, you can use it to perform a few common tasks. Social Plugins such as the Like Button and Comments Plugin can be inserted into HTML pages using the JavaScript SDK. Let's try adding a Like button, just copy and paste the line of code below anywhere inside the resolution og Panama papers. Final preparations with the team for the F8 keynote tomorrow. Watch it live here at Thon Nontaz's #F8
Posted by Thon Nontaz on Monday, April 12, 2016